Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sam’s medicine

Oh this is such a fun thing to do. I’m very glad I decided to get the liquid form of this because the pill would have been a super pain in the ass. As it is the liquid is just a pain in the ass. I did like how the doctor said all you have to do is lift the side of Sam’s lip and squirt the liquid in. Yes and that is sooooo easy to do. It’s easy to do at the doctor’s office because Sam is scared out of his whits. He took up his usually position when we go to the vet and that is hiding in the sink. There was a cabinet door open (the cabinet being above the sink) which Sam tried to crawl up into.

Last night I gave Sam his first dose of his medicine. To start off with the bottle has one of those child proof caps on it. It took me about five minutes to get the thing open. In part because I’m not good at opening those caps in general and specifically because the bottle was very small. After wrestling him to the ground well between my legs as I was sitting on the couch I squirted the medicine in his mouth. I’m not sure how much he got. This morning I was a little more cleaver. I wrapped Sam in a blanket. It was much easier to control him that way. I put the syringe near his mouth and waited for him to open up. And believe it or not he did open up. He got a much bigger dose of the medicine this morning.

I don’t think he liked it all that much. He went upstairs and hid underneath the bed. He was not a happy cat. I gave him a little treat which he ate. I then got his new toy and after awhile he played with that. He was, however, still underneath the bed when I went off to work.

And I get to give this stuff to him eight more times. My weekend is going to be action packed.

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