Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Pants Suit

If this doesn't show America as a litigious society nothing will. This would be funny (well actually it is) if it weren't so just plain stupid. Here the link to the story.

The local press refers to it as the pants suit. A guy sued a dry cleaner for $54 million yes that’s $54 million for loosing his pair of pants. Here’s a little from the story:

It was the case that people couldn't stop talking about, and yesterday, the judge who heard it, Judith Bartnoff, finally had her say, rejecting Pearson’s claim that he was defrauded by the Chungs and their “Satisfaction Guaranteed” sign.

“A reasonable consumer would not interpret ‘Satisfaction Guaranteed’ to mean that a merchant is required to satisfy a customer’s unreasonable demands or to accede to demands that the merchant has reasonable grounds to dispute,” Bartnoff wrote in a 23-page ruling, adding that Pearson “is not entitled to any relief whatsoever.”

Here’s a column from Marc Fisher of the Post. Read some of the comments. They are just great.

The big question is whether this guy will appeal. One would hope that the ridicule he’s gotten would make him wise up and just pay the Chungs court costs and go home and hid in a darkened room. But don’t count on it.

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