Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Republican change on Iraq?

Senator Richard Luger gave a speech on the Senate floor yesterday in it he stated:

“In my judgment, the costs and risks of continuing down the current path outweigh the potential benefits that might be achieved,” Lugar, R-Ind., said in a Senate floor speech. “Persisting indefinitely with the surge strategy will delay policy adjustments that have a better chance of protecting our vital interests over the long term.”

The article goes on to speculate that this might give cover to Republicans that want a change in course in Iraq. But does it really do that. Luger isn't talking about cutting off funds or for the withdrawal or setting a timetable for getting US troops out of there. But it is a step in the right direction.

Of course the reaction from the White House is to ask yet again for more time. One would think four plus years would be more than enough time but no.

This from the White House:

White House spokesman Tony Snow said Lugar was a thoughtful man and that his remarks came as no surprise.

“We've known that he’s had reservations about the policy for some time,” Snow said Tuesday.

But the spokesman later added: “We hope that members of the House and Senate will give the Baghdad security plan a chance to unfold.”

As I've said before, to me the only way to tell if the surge has worked will be when the troops that made up that surge are gone. Does the level of violence return to what it was before the surge or are areas free of that violence. Only time will tell and I’m not sure how much more time the American people are willing to give on this.

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