Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Odds and ends, Political

The Attorney General

This comes from a story in the Post today:

"I am troubled because the allegations regarding the politicization of this historic institution -- an institution that stands for and protects the rights of the citizens of the greatest, most free nation on Earth -- have occurred on my watch," Gonzales said, according to a transcript.
And I wonder why those charges have been made. Could it be because, when people were interviewed for jobs, it was more important that they were Republicans loyal to the president then say oh I don't know competent attorneys? Yeah that seems to be the ticket.

Op-Ed piece
This appeared in the Outlook section of the Post a couple of Sundays ago. It is an article by William Kristol under the title of "Why Bush Will Be A Winner." I have to say I was so ticked off about it that it has taken me this long to calm down about it and write these few words regarding it. To say he is wrong is an understatement. What I do like is the rebuttal which is "Why Bush is a Loser".

The final paragraphs are right on target:

The Bush-Cheney years have been marked by ineptitude, miscalculation, and scandal. A successful presidency? Bush will be lucky if he gets a public elementary school in his adopted hometown of Crawford, Tex., named after him. He has placed this country in a hole. Yet Kristol, with shovel in hand, points to that hole and says, Trust me -- we're about to strike oil!

If it's true that history repeats first as tragedy and then as farce, Kristol has short-circuited the process and gone straight to parody. His Bush boosterism -- an act of self-justification -- would be amusing were it not for all the damage he has helped Bush to cause.

No end in site for the surge
The tentative word is that come September General Petraeus is going to recommend that the surge continue until next spring. At that time it will have to end because the military will not have the man power to continue it unless of course they extend tours of duty. It also seems that the Pentagon is drawing up plans that will have American troops in Iraq until at least the middle of 2009.

So the only slight glimmer of hope of ever getting out of Iraq is when Bush is no longer president. And of course a Democrat is elected president. And even then to get all the equipment and personnel out could take 18 months.

We aren't going to be leaving any time soon which is tragic

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