Monday, July 23, 2007

Order of the Phoenix

I finished the book and then went and saw the movie on Sunday. This makes four movies in five weeks which I haven't done in ages. It will continue next week when I see the Simpson's movie and the week after that the Bourne movie. I also have to work in seeing Order of the Phoenix again too.

The movie was great. It was totally different from any of the other Harry Potter movies. I'm not sure exactly how to put it. It was more serious and darker than any of the others which was part of the difference, but only part of it. I can't exactly put my finger on what was different which is why I need to see it again.

I saw it at the Uptown which has the largest screen in DC. It's curved, 40-feet high and about 70-feet long so it says in the Post review of it. It is a really great place to see a movie. I will say that I had to sit through 20 minutes of commercials and previews before the movie started. But even with that I really enjoyed the movie.

Afterwards, I walked down to DuPont Circle. It was a gloriously sunny and warm day but not hot. I ended walking down to the Borders near work and picked up the final book.

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