Monday, July 09, 2007

Odds and Ends

Hot, hot hot
Yes it is indeed hot here in DC now. But then again it is July so what can you expect. It is interesting to watch the news and have them talk about the heat wave heating DC. Well yes it is a heat wave but by Thursday it should be over. So it is a heat wave that will last about 5 fives and the first couple of days were hot but not all that humid. I can remember summers where we had 10 days in a row where the heat index was at or near 100 degrees. When you would walk out of work at the end of the day and feel like the air was sucked out of your lungs. Where you could actually see the air. So five days is really not all that bad.

Bargain Matinee
Remember this story about the bargain matinee. Well I went back to the same theater to see the new Die Hard movie. The admission price had gone up $0.25 in less than a month. As for the movie I enjoyed it. It was just what a summer movie should be. Although I will say that the scenes that were supposedly taking place in downtown Washington look oddly like they were filmed in Philadelphia. If it is supposed to take place in Washington, then film in Washington.

Walking to work
The other day I was walking to work and viewed a very strange sight. In a yard were a squirrel and a cat bird. The cat bird was dive bombing the squirrel. The squirrel for the most part was ignoring or at least trying to ignore the bird but not very successfully. So very slowly after many dive bombs the bird was able to slowly move the squirrel across the yard. At least twice the squirrel seemed to have enough and jumped up into the air trying to grab hold of the bird. I watched for a few minutes but then had to move on because I was going to be late for work.

Festive Fourth
You can follow this link and see some pictures of the 4th of July fireworks. Or to see some video follow this link. You can also see a cute story on the panda cub who turned two today.

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