Saturday, May 02, 2009

I was in a Confined Space

Oh my goodness I was in a confined space today. Not just once but several times. OH NO!!!

As our Vice President said earlier in the week:

"I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now," Biden said when Matt Lauer asked whether he would advise family members to use public transportation.

"I would tell members of my family, and I have, I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now. It's not that it's going to Mexico, it's you're in a confined aircraft when one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft. That's me. I would not be, at this point, if they had another way of transportation suggesting they ride the subway. "

And I've been on the subway not once but twice today. Then I went to my gym which is in a confined space. Further I went to a spinning class which is in and even more confined space. Oh no. Oh NO.

Oh no is right.

I'm beginning to get the feeling that the Swine Babe Flu reaction is getting just a little out of hand. The VP's remarks certainly didn't help matters. Closing of school districts when a few kids in a few individual schools might have been exposed to Babe Flu is a little over the top too. I think an important point was raised about this. Where do all these kids go if they are not in school? Is it possible they are just as likely to be exposed to the flu as if they stayed in school?

Then there's the coverage of the death of the toddler in Texas. This was breaking news on CNN when I was at the gym around 8 in the morning. It was till breaking news when I got home from work nine hours later. Somehow that not still breaking news.

Then there was the general coverage of this whole very tragic event. The first death in the United States. Well yes and no. It was the first death of someone who died from the flu from the U.S. But it was not the first death of someone from the US from the flu. This is a huge difference.

This flu can be scary enough as it is. The comments and reporting on it need to be done very carefully. So far there've been a couple of stumbles along the way. Hopefully they will be last.


  1. There's a great term for the flood of flu fear-mongering: Infodemic.


    NotionsCapital is posting FLU FACTS graphics this weekend as a public service.

    The series starts here:

  2. Those are very funny.

    And I couldn't agree with more you on how this story seems to be about the only story the news is covering these days. And on cable it is the only story.

    There seems very little attempt to give any sort of perspective on what is going on. Yes, there is reason to be concerned but the non-stop news is causing people to panic.

    It seems in some places emergency rooms are overwhelmed with people who think they are sick but aren't. The upshot is that people who really might be sick are waiting around to be looked at which means they could be infecting everyone else in the room.

    I'm going to New York City on Wednesday to see two shows and then coming back to DC. I'm going by bus. The main point is I'm going. Unless (and this is a big unless) there is some unbelievable unforeseen event. Like people dropping dead all at once.

    Otherwise New York here are come.
