Saturday, May 02, 2009

Renaming the Flu

This seems rather silly in a way but I guess it makes some amount of sense. There is an ongoing attempt to rename the Swine Flu the H1N1 Flu Outbreak. Or h1N1 for short.

Producers of pork are concerned about the use of Swine Flu:

Groups representing the pork industry _ including the National Pork Producers Council, the National Pork Board and the American Meat Institute _ have all been in talks with the Agriculture Department asking officials to discourage the name "swine flu" and to reassure the public that pork is safe.

Read more about it here.

I can't see the media changing to saying the H1N1 flu virus.

A friend came up with a great idea. Call it the Babe Flu. The Babe Flu you say. Yes the Babe Flu. If you know your movies then you know that Babe was a movie about a pig. Thus the new name Babe Flu. Certainly a lot easier to remember and much catchier than the H1N1.

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