That sounds so much better than saying I had my anal warts taken care of. Because having the phrase anal wart in your headline is a little over the top. So I'll just put it in the body of the post.
This is what was found when I had my colonoscopy back in November. And today I got rid of them. It was a fairly quick procedure.
Everything went well. My procedure was at 8am this morning. I needed to get there an hour before so I could get checked in. I was a little concerned about the weather (we had some morning slop rain, snow, sleet) but that didn't play a factor. I got there early and walked around a while before going to the office but they were already opened when arrived and people were there.
While I was checking in, I found out that I had to pay for my part of the procedure right then. I was told someone should have been in touch with me about that. The thing is they did. Except they called yesterday afternoon and left a message on my home phone. Needless to say, I didn't get the message until I came home from work. By that time their office was closed. What I don't understand was why the only called the one number. I'd filled out there pre-admission form on-line. I provided my home, work and cell numbers. Why didn't they try another one? Especially in light of the fact they expected to get money from me. I told them that someone should have been in touch. That leaving a message was not enough.
After that, checking in was easy. I was taken into the back. I changed out of my clothes and then put on a gown and a robe but was told to wear the robe like a cape. I then went in to the prep area. There they took my blood pressure, temperature and heart rate.
The anesthesiologist came along next. She did the routine of asking was I allergic to any medicines. Had I ever had a bad reaction to anesthesia. Did I have any sort of bridge work in my mouth that might come out. If so I would of course have had to remove that. Then she worked in an IV with saline. It was just like the ones I give Sam. I asked for a couple of pointers on the best way to do this since lately I've been having some problems with it. I had a little problem where she couldn't get the catheter all the way into the vein. After a little this problem solved itself.
The next step was to wait for the doctor to show up and then we could get things started. I talked to the doctor at 8:15. I walked into the operating room. They got me all set up. The next thing I know I'm in recovery and it's 9:15.
I was told to put on my clothes. That took a little while. I was a little wobbly on my feet. I'd also worn my work boots because of the sloppy weather in the morning. Wish I'd had a way to record that because that was funny.
Then I was moved to the actual recovery area. I was given a ginger ale and a couple of graham crackers. Before I could go home I'd have to pee. That didn't take all that long. Then I assumed they'd call my ride and I'd soon be on my way home.
Well it turns out that didn't happen. I overheard one of the nurses talking to another patient. The nurse asked if they'd call the person who was supposed to pick them. She said she was going to do it right then.
I decided I'd do the same. It turns out my friend had not been called. I don't know why they asked for the name and phone number of the person who was going to pick me up unless they were going to call them. I could easily have left half an hour sooner. But oh well.
My wart is being sent out to be biopsied. That's done as a precaution. My doctor said it was highly unlikely that there would be any problems.
They are sending the thing out to biopsied. But my doctor said it was highly unlikely that there would be any problems.
I was given a prescription for oxycodone for the pain. The nurse said that I should take one before I go to bed tonight so I have a restful night.
And that is the end of my tale of my anal wart.