Along came Saturday. Gusting, howling and blowing winds. They seemed to get stronger and stronger as the day progressed. Made it just about impossible to go outside. I had branches and all sorts of crap in my front yard. I went out that evening when the winds had calmed down a little. There was a sign that had blown in my yard. It was probably 2 feet by 3 feet. It was pointing out new condos. I figured out the sign came from at least 6 blocks away. I put it up on the lawn. Needless to say it was not there when I got back. No telling where it went to.
Then last night came the tell tale sign of tapping against my windows. A sure sign that what was coming down was sleet or freezing rain or both. It tuned out to be both. Then very late in the night it turned into snow. Not much but it left an icy crust on everything. I had to pull rather hard on my car door to get it opened this morning.
I have to say I am so ready for just some plain old average weather. DC has had a year of extremes. I think I'm now officially over that.
I'm in NY. We too are having this weird winter. It snowed here too on Sunday. Well, it was a mix of snow & rain. Lots of wind gusting around. Oh joy. I can't wait for Spring!
Yes I too can't wait for Spring. But at the same time wonder what "fun" we'll have.
As I said how about an average Spring with an average temperature and average rain fall and average well you get the idea.
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