2Political Podcast Episode 104 is now available. You can listen to it or download it from the podcast site, 2political.com. You can leave comments there as well as download or listen to any episode (you can access the five most recent episodes from the list on the right side of my blog).
We start with light-hearted stuff, like Jason hates fitted sheets. Jason shocks Arthur when he talks about still paying bills by cheque—well, he'd use a check, probably. Jason is going to the closing date of Mama Mia, a show he's talked about before. We also talk a bit out the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC—and all the other things going on at the same time. He also went to Opening Day for the Washington Nationals. Arthur, on the other hand, had a less fun time.
When we turn to politics, we start with the recent announcements for candidates for president by Rubio and Clinton. We also talk about the problem Republicans face in their campaigns, especially whoever their eventual nominee is. Money is a problem for Republicans, too, because of what it does to their nomination process.
Everyone's welcome to leave a comment (agree or disagree!).
Links for this episode:
As it turns out, Arthur blogged about folding fitted sheets
All Jason’s blog posts tagged “Cherry Blossoms”
Arthur’s blog, podcasts and videos can be accessed here.

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