Thursday, November 22, 2007


It is a bright, sunny and warm Thanksgiving morning. It's 61 degrees. I look out my front door and see the paper on my porch. Now I'm surprised at this because I only get the Sunday paper. Then I realize it really isn't the paper it's all ads. That's the reason I'm getting it today.

The ads are about three times the size of the paper. All those wonderful inserts promising all those wonderful sales.

Let's see Kohl's and JC Penny are opening at 4 am tomorrow. Sears, Circuity City, and Best Buy are opening at 5 am. Those wimps at Macy's and Target are opening at 6 am. I just have to say 6 am guys that is just sooooo last year. You two need to get with the program.

I've also heard ads on the radio for an outlet mall that will open at midnight tonight. But I don't know where it is. I know that is so very sad.

But Kmart takes the cake. They are open today, Thanksgiving Day, from 7am to 9 pm. I'm not sure when they open tomorrow but that doesn't really matter because they are open today!

Wait a sec. It's almost 9. What bargains and specials have I missed!!

Why the hell am I writing on my blog when Kmart is open NOW.

Bye gotta go.

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