2Political Podcast Episode 30 is now available. You can listen to it on the widget on the right side of my blog, or you can go the podcast site, 2political.com. You can leave comments there as well as download or listen to any episode.
After special days, we talk a bit about Pride 48, a podcasting marathon Arthur is the host of this year. 2Political is being played along with other recorded podcasts.
Then we talk about the results from recent primary elections. The teabaggers didn't get what they thought they would and the media hasn't understood what they were talking about. The chicken lady is revisited, too. From there, we talk about the latest sex scandal with a "family values" Republican. Arthur has no sympathy for ex-Rep. Souder, and less than none for George Rekers, a hatemonger who fell from grace recently, too.
A major topic is Facebook's contempt for personal privacy and what companies like that should be doing. Arthur shares some tips for protecting your privacy on Facebook, to the extent you can. Comments round out the episode.
Please leave a comment (anyone's welcome - agree or disagree!), or you can ring the 2Political Comment line on 206-350-3982.
Link for this episode:
Norwegian Constitution Day
Comic Relief – Arthur blogs schadenfreude for a fallen Republican
Openbook – see what Facebook users are sharing with the world
Jason’s Blog
Arthur’s blog, podcasts and videos can be accessed here.

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