2Political Podcast Episode 37 is now available. You can listen to it on the widget on the right side of my blog, or you can go the podcast site, 2political.com. You can leave comments there as well as download or listen to any episode.
So the previous episode was delayed. Then it turned out that the 2Political website was messed up after all. And then for THIS episode there were technical problems: Arthur's Garageband stopped recording a few minutes into the chat. He always records the Skype call as a back-up, so at the point where his recording stopped, this switches to that back-up. There are Skype issues and poorer sound quality. Sorry. Arthur has ideas to fix that for the future, in case this happens again.
Meanwhile, instead of Special Days Jason has another special event. Following that, Jason talks about some of what he’s been into in the beastly heat of Washington, DC (you’ll be glad to know I re-tagged the episodes “explicit”).
The rally last weekend of the “New Messiah”, Saint Beck, is our first big topic. Not surprisingly, we don’t think much of it. From there, we talk about a local race in Washington, DC and the hypocrites involved in it.
Please leave a comment (anyone's welcome—agree or disagree!), or you can ring the 2Political Comment line on 206-350-3982.
Link for this episode:
Woodrow Wilson House audio
My name is Glenn Beck, and I need help" – Kathleen Parker, Washington Post
Sarah Palin the Sound and the Fury" - Michael Joseph Gross, Vanity Fair
Ward 5 Politics – Jason’s blog post on the DC politics he talked about, including the flyer paid for by the hypocrites.
California Proposition 13 (1978)
Arthur’s blog, podcasts and videos can be accessed here

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