Sunday, May 24, 2020

Socially Responsible Barbecue

Last year over the summer into early fall in my block we started doing hotdog Fridays. As the name implies each Friday we would have a cook out at someone's house which would include hot dogs. The person hosting would do the cooking duties and people would bring other things to eat.

Each week it would be at some else's house so no one person would be responsible for it each week. I partnered with my next door neighbor since I don't have a grill. Ana cooked the dogs. I made lasagna and a cake. We also provided chips and drinks. Any extra food or drink would be passed on to the next hosts. As the weeks passed there was less and less the hosts would have to buy. In part of course because of the extra items but also because people would chip in more.

We had one the majority of the summer. There was sign up sheet that people would use. There were a couple of weeks that no one hosted. We got lucky with the weather. We never had a cancellation due to bad weather.

Of course things being the way they are, it really wasn't possible to do this. So instead last night we had a socially responsible barbecue. People came out onto their front porches or lawns and cooked dinner. Yes it was not on a Friday and I had pizza instead of a hot dog. But otherwise it was the same.

There was some food shared. Someone made cookies (oatmeal chocolate chip) and put them on a table and people would come along and get a cookie. There were some other treats as well.

No word yet on when the next one will be.

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