Sunday, August 30, 2020

Charlie Brown is in the Hospital

Charlie is in the hospital. I found him Friday morning unable to stand on his back legs for any period of time. With help of my next door neighbor, who has a car, we took him to Friendship Animal Hospital in Northwest DC.

They took Xrays and did blood work (not the easiest thing to do with Charlie since he is a terrible patient). After that the next step was to do an MRI. The thought was that he could have something impacting one of his disc in his back. The only way to see that was with an MRI.

If there was disc problems a decision would have to be made whether to do surgery (this is to avoid sedating Charlie again). I gave the go ahead to do the surgery (thank goodness I have credit cards with high limits on them. Additional funds would be available if the issue with my unemployment claim could be cleared up since I haven't been paid anything since the end of April but that's for another post).

Charlie came through the surgery fine. It's hopeful this will solve his mobility issues (it's no guaranteed but the only way to find out if it would work is to do the surgery). He will be in the hospital a few more days. Then home for recovery. There are a couple of possible other issues but again it's a wait and see if they happen.

I'm have to get a bunch of stuff for him. They want to limit the area he has to move around in so I'm getting him a dog crate and other things.

Fingers crossed that this works. I figure I owe Charlie this much to see if this can work.

One more quick note which is somewhat bitchy but I have to say since I lost my job a little over four years ago in general things have been one big Cluster F*ck and this can be added to the list. And I'm more than ready for it to stop.

Here's a picture of Charlie Brown resting in his cat carrier from earlier in the week.


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