I was going to an electronics store at DuPont Circle. I was looking for a plug adapter to use when I go to England.
And I happened upon an anti-Scientology rally. Scientology has a headquarters in an old mansion just north of the Circle. There about 50 to 60 people protesting. They were not directly in front of the building but across the street. Many were wearing bandannas over their faces or the masks from V for Vendetta. They said they needed to hide their faces so the Scientologists would not come after them. I really wish I had had my camera with me.
I did pick up a couple pieces of literature which I've scanned and you can take a look at them. Click on the image to see it up close.
Once again this shows how much I love living in Washington.

I just moved here from the St. louis area and share your feelings about how interesting DC is... We drove around the area looking for a parking spot for about 30 minutes and saw the protest as well. I wanted to get a peek at the flyers, but couldn't. Thanks!
Glad you enjoyed them. There were a couple more that didn't scan all that well so I ended up not posting them.
I just wish I'd had my camera with me to take some pictures.
I've been thinking about getting a small (pocket-sized) digital camera so I can always have one with me. There are some pretty cheap ones these days that have pretty good resolution. Haven't done it yet, but I want to do it for exactly this kind of thing--stumbling across something unexpected. Someday.
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