Snow no! We start out talking about the big story in Washington, SNOW! Jason lived through it all and shares some of what he saw (and there’s more on his blog). We last recorded only hours before the State of the Union Address, so we talk about the call for bipartisanship. Arthur doesn’t have any patience with Republicans today, based on their dishonest behaviour. We talk about one important reform: Ending the filibuster or, at least, going back to requiring someone to be on their feet 24/7.
From their, it’s on to the teabaggers’ gathering. Those people don’t even understand how the government works, so their criticism are nonsensical. That leads us into a discussion of two recent polls, and their implications for US politics—especially how Democrats have to take back the political initiative, as well as the reality of teabaggers’ support in the general population.
Comments let us talk a bit about the Republican response to the State of the Union Address as well as add some more on the recent reprehensible Supreme Court ruling that says corporations are entitled to spend as much as they want on election campaigns.
Please leave a comment (anyone’s welcome—agree or disagree!), or you can ring the 2Political Comment line on 206-350-3982
2PP025 - 12 February 2010
2Political Podcast Episode 25 is now available. You can listen to it on the widget on the right side of my blog, or you can go the podcast site, 2political.com. You can leave comments there as well as download or listen to any episode.

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