2Political Podcast Episode 40 is now available. You can listen to it on the widget on the right side of my blog, or you can go the podcast site, 2political.com. You can leave comments there as well as download or listen to any episode.
After Special Days (including one Arthur has a personal connection to), we have some general light-hearted banter—including some talk about unusual things, like travelling in New Zealand and even museums, of all things.
When we get into the politics, Arthur takes exception with the assertion that the November US election with definitely be a bloodbath for Democrats. He presents his case for why things may go better for Democrats than the pundits say. Jason is more pessimistic.
We talk a bit about "what if" the Republicans win. Boehner is lying when he talks about being "bipartisan". Republicans hinting at impeaching President Obama are beyond nuts. How likely is it that either Arthur or Jason would vote for a Republican? The Democratic Congressional leadership gets a telling-off. Rightwing Republicans do, too.
Please leave a comment (anyone's welcome—agree or disagree!), or you can ring the 2Political Comment line on 206-350-3982.
Link for this episode:
Sweetest Day (Arthur actually knows about this!)
Te Papa exhibition has strong glbt presence - via GayNZ.com
Listen to Nigel’s show on The Third Colony, 9PM EDT Saturday (Americas)
Arthur’s blog, podcasts and videos can be accessed here.

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