2Political Podcast Episode 56- is now available. You can listen to it or download it from the podcast site, 2political.com. You can leave comments there as well as download or listen to any episode (you can access the five most recent episodes from the list on the right side of my blog).
Today we start out talking a bit about what is one of today’s Special Days, US Memorial Day (another Special Day is June 5). Our discussion of Memorial Day leads to talking about the lack of support for military personnel. Are they merely political and commercial props? The lack of acknowledgement annoys Jason, and Arthur thinks it’s indicative of differences between the parties.
Jason wonders what the mentality that sacrifice is unnecessary would have meant in the past: What if the leaders of World War II wouldn’t sacrifice? Or the leaders of the Civil War? The founding fathers? That leads on to talk of our shared responsibility to pay our taxes to pay for the things that benefit us all, and our moral responsibility to look after those who cannot look after themselves. Jason then argues for a new, more sophisticated approach to policy making, including having contingency plans for what happens if plans don’t work.
Please leave a comment (anyone's welcome—agree or disagree!), or you can ring the 2Political Comment line on 206-350-3982.
Arthur’s blog, podcasts and videos can be accessed here.

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