2Political Podcast Episode 76 is now available. You can listen to it or download it from the podcast site, 2political.com. You can leave comments there as well as download or listen to any episode (you can access the five most recent episodes from the list on the right side of my blog).
We recorded this episode a a little over two weeks ago, but Arthur was too busy to edit and post it. We might have just left it as another "lost episode", but then we decided to post it anyway. Turns out it was a good decision: Our next recording was interrupted when Arthur's Internet connection failed.
We again begin by talking about baseball—yes, really, and still. Jason is still excited. But he has an odd story about time in Lebanon.
When we turn to politics, we start with the first presidential candidate debate, before moving on to the election generally. Among other things, we talk about where the Republican Party is and how it’s a failing proposition. How can it be saved—is it even possible? This ultimately brings us back to the debate.
We conclude with our passionate reasons why voting is ALWAYS necessary. Then, we move on to the comment for this episode.
Please leave a comment (anyone's welcome—agree or disagree!), or you can ring the 2Political Comment line on 206-350-3982.
Normally, we’d provide links to some of the stories we mention, but, hey: This episode is late being posted. If you want to know the source, just ask, and we’ll find it for you.
Jason’s Blog
Arthur’s blog, podcasts and videos can be accessed here.

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