Thursday, June 28, 2007

Odds and Ends

Cleaning out cabinets
I was cleaning out the cabinet and drawers of the bathroom sink. Oh my what a great deal of stuff. I have so many little packages of toothpaste and dental floss from my dentist visits. I don’t think I’ll ever use it all up. I combined all the sinus and head cold medication into one box. Again way too many of those packages. Then I learned something I never knew. Baby powder has an expiration date on it. My baby powder expired November of last year. I can’t imagine how baby powder can go bad.

Sam’s friend returns
I was in the basement this morning and Sam was outside when there came this yowl. Sam’s friend had return. He is a nice tan stripped cat who just want to make friends with Sam. Sam will have none of it. He puffs up and hisses and yowls. The other cat stays around for a little while and then runs away. He seems a little confused as to why Sam doesn’t want to be his friend.

Sam for lack of a better expression is pissed. It ruined his morning and we had to go inside. He later recovered enough to go outside and roll around in the dirt. Cats are so resilient.

One more item on Sam. Because of Ed and Jennifer’s visit, I’d moved the litter box into my room. I was brushing my teeth the other day and saw Sam walk past the door toward the front bedroom. Then he paused and turned around and went to my bedroom to use his box. You could almost see the look of disgust on his face. Last night he went into the front bedroom again looking for his box. There were words of protest to the effect that the box should be moved back into the front bedroom. I complied with his request.

Cell phones and PDAs
It’s intermission at Phantom of the Opera and what does everyone pull out. The lights are barely up and just about everywhere you look people are on their phones or PDA. It’s amazing that people can’t be out of touch for even a couple of hours. It reminds me of news story that ran on one of the local stations. This woman said even when she went to a movie she had to have her cell phone on in case the baby sitter needed to contact her. My reaction was then don’t go to the movie.

To think in the not so distant past people went places and there was no way to contact them at all. How did we survive?

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